By Nic Rhoodie
ISBN-10: 1349043141
ISBN-13: 9781349043149
ISBN-10: 1349043168
ISBN-13: 9781349043163
ISBN-10: 1431431451
ISBN-13: 9781431431458
ISBN-10: 2022062132
ISBN-13: 9782022062136
ISBN-10: 3053053063
ISBN-13: 9783053053063
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If the International Commission of Jurists were to draw up such a code today, how many nations would be prepared to apply it? How many would be able to enforce it? Obviously, a country's position in the human rights rankings should be determined by its actual performance. Consequently, as an Afrikaner, I cannot resist the temptation to point out that in the field of human rights South Africa is performing not nearly as badly as some would have us believe. A recent assessment of actual performance published by the New York-based Freedom House organisation revealed that while South Africa certainly did not figure in the top twenty nations, it certainly outranked the bottom 100 (Gastil, 1977, pp.
Bozeman points out: This has not been the case in either Africa or Asia where human groupings have been held together effectively in comprehensive orders dominated by respect for religion, etiquette, the stabilizing function of war and conflict, or perhaps the superior wisdom regularly imputed to selected men. In short, law is not recognized everywhere as a distinct idea or a paramount reference. 5 In the West, adds Professor Bozeman, the supremacy of law is linked explicitly with schemes of social and political organization ...
The authoritarianism emerges naturally from traditional practices of political control. The collectivist-class struggle ideology was imported during the latter decades of the colonial experience in Asia and Africa, reflecting the most articulate social critique in Britain and France during that period. Since World War II, some of the rising leaders in the already independent Latin American states also adopted a semi-Marxist interpretation of colonialism, imperialism, and poverty as they sought to wrest power from the more conservative rulers.
Intergroup Accommodation in Plural Societies: A selection of conference papers with special reference to the Republic of South Africa by Nic Rhoodie
by Kenneth