By Gale
ISBN-10: 1414419848
ISBN-13: 9781414419848
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5 billion of total assets, a fourfold increase in three years. Agriculture The main source of income in the country is agriculture, and in the past, Afghanistan produced enough 32 food and food products to provide for the people, as well as to create a surplus for export. The major food crops produced are: corn, rice, barley, wheat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. In Afghanistan, industry is also based on agriculture, and pastoral raw materials. The major industrial crops are: cotton, tobacco, madder, castor beans, and sugar beets.
During their occupation of the country, the Soviets completed a bridge across the Amu Darya. S. assistance, reopened in 2007 and has opened vital trade routes between Afghanistan and its neighbors. In the 1960s, the United States helped build a highway connecting Afghanistan’s two largest cities. It began in Kabul and wound its way through five of the country’s core provinces—skirting scores of isolated and otherwise inaccessible villages; passing through the ancient market city of Ghazni; descending through Qalat; and eventually reaching Kandahar, founded by Alexander the Great.
And Soviet noninterference in the internal affairs of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the right of refugees to return to Afghanistan without fear of persecution or harassment, and, most importantly, a timetable that ensured full Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan by February 15, 1989. About 14,500 Soviet and an estimated one million Afghan lives were lost between 1979 and the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. Significantly, the mujahidin were party neither to the negotiations nor to the 1988 agreement and, consequently, refused to accept the terms of the accords.
Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 2011 by Gale
by Thomas