New PDF release: Crime in Japan: Paradise Lost?

By Dag Leonardsen

ISBN-10: 0230235549

ISBN-13: 9780230235540

Japan is frequently defined as an inclusive society, and yet the media reports record highs in crime and suicide figures. This book examines felony justice in Japan, and questions no matter if Japan fairly is dealing with social malaise, or if the media are easily making a 'moral panic'. 

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The overall perspective directing this attitude was what Suehiro (1998: 163) calls the ideology of ‘unselfish devotion to the state’. e. the ‘community’, be it in the form of the national community, the village community or the corporate community). ‘Guidance’, ‘dependence’ and ‘form’ – three fundamental principles Guidance A central concept that illustrates the importance of discipline is the term shido, which could be translated as a form of guidance, leadership, supervision or instruction (McVeigh, 2004: 99).

Morality is expressed through manners. : 44). Structurally arranged verticality principles are in other words amplified by cultural norms (‘sociolinguistic choreography’) that make obedience and adaptation a matter of course that is hardly reflected upon9. The importance of accepting ‘the principle of guidance’ (which is highly relevant to understanding reactions to crime in this country) has been elaborated in the literature under the headline ‘learning to become Japanese’ (Hendry, 1986). This literature often gravitates around the discussion on a form of total planning or designing of a unitary pedagogical system.

To the extent that the younger generation chooses exit rather than voice as its modus operandi, the core values of society are defied. Another topic of significance for young people’s relation to the labour market refers to recent changes in the Japanese system of transition from school to work. Due to what is called the ‘periodical blanket recruitment system’, nearly all school-leavers and university graduates in Japan have (since the 1960s) found their future jobs before graduation (blue collars as well as white collars).

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Crime in Japan: Paradise Lost? by Dag Leonardsen

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