By Eddy Van Der Maarel (auth.), Eddy van der Maarel, László Orlóci, Sandro Pignatti (eds.)
ISBN-10: 9400991940
ISBN-13: 9789400991941
ISBN-10: 9400991967
ISBN-13: 9789400991965
(RANKIN) of equivocation details (1-:) and interplay info (M). the strategy is defined within the current paper for I: and in a prior paper (Orloci, 1976) for M. the consequences awarded during this paper recommend that for Species Rank order info percent of overall* species to be weighted in keeping with their suitability to I· M I M r M symbolize remoted teams of releves in a phytosociolo five 7 54.15 2.31 17.97 0.82 gical desk, the equivocation details may perhaps function a nine five 49.86 23.19 16.55 8.22 three three nine 47.79 0.56 15.86 0.20 compatible weight. the best formulations are derived 6 four eight 36.18 1.18 12.01 0.42 four five three 24.36 59.34 8.09 21.03 and computed for a few information from a salt marsh neighborhood. eight 6 four 24.25 39.04 8.05 13.84 10 7 I 21.96 71.17 7.29 25.23 7 eight 2 18.67 69.01 6.20 24.46 nine 10 18.40 6.11 10 6 5.64 16.31 1.87 5.78 References overall 301.00* 282.11 * 100.00 100.00 Feoli, E. 1973. An index for weighing characters in monothetic classifications. (Italian with English summary). Giorn. Bot. Ita!' 107: 263-268. Gower, J.e. 1967. A comparability of a few tools of cluster is a monotone, expanding functionality of pattern measurement if .. ).
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Taxon 20: 131-136. 42 A NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF EUROPEAN SPARTINA COMMUNITIES* Wi! M. KORTEKAAS l , Eddy VAN DER MAAREU & Wim G. BEEFTINK 2 ** I. Division of Geobotany, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2. Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands*** Keywords: Classification, Numerical methods, Numerical syntaxonomy, Spartina communities, Syntaxonomy Introduction Material and methods This contribution is based on two earlier internal reports (Kortekaas & Van der Maarel 1972, 1973): the first one presented at the Colloquium during the Symposium of the International Society for Vegetation Science, at Todenmann near Rinteln, March, 1972; the second at the conference of the Working Group for Data-Processing, Prague, September 1973.
W. European floras, completed with ad hoc data for other parts of Europe. Ca 9000 species names have been coded at Trieste. The coding system is compared with the systems of Ehrendorfer, Flora Europaea, alphabetic systems and Gould's international plant index. Problems of nomenclatural changes and species concepts and their bearing on the code are discussed. Zusammenfassung Ein System fiir die Codierung von PfIanzenarten wird beschrieben. Das System wird im Projekt der Datenverarbeitung in der PfIanzensoziologie verwendet.
3. The 'genus' concept in Dalla Torre & Harms is more or less as broad as in modern work and can give a satisfactory basis for geobotanical investigations; with small adaptions it is possible to uphold the system without loosing the information derived from modern taxonomical work. This last point can be discussed in more detail. The flora of Europe and neighbouring areas is in a quasi climax status as to the number of genera. g. Caryophyllaceae from the flora of Europe comprise 36 genera according to Dalla Torre & Harms and 37 genera in Flora Europaea.
Data-processing in phytosociology: Report on the activities of the Working-group for data-processing in phytosociology of the International society for vegetation science, 1969–1978 by Eddy Van Der Maarel (auth.), Eddy van der Maarel, László Orlóci, Sandro Pignatti (eds.)
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