By Charlie Storey
ISBN-10: 1857446437
ISBN-13: 9781857446432
The Sniper is a brand new dynamic weapon for Black opposed to either 1 e4 and 1 d4. during this ebook Charlie Storey offers a repertoire for Black along with his favorite beginning.
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Ii'a 3! is a serious alternative, as she also sits here with immunity. e8 and White has no compensation for the pawn deficit. d3 lt:lf4 The surprising occupation of f4 en sures the sting is taken out of any White attack, as one of the sharp at- tacking bishops is removed. o-o cancels out the 'zero develop ment' of White's hi-rook. e4 lt:ld8 19 ... lt:les ! makes Black's life a lot easier. l:tc7?! b6 was better. It is often diffi cult psychologically to weaken the light squares in this manner with the white bishop slicing them up, but White has no way to progress effectively.
E6 28 f4 continues to pose White problems. Vxe4 'it'a2+ 53 Wc3 'ii'al+ 54 �b3 'iidl+? 'iVxf6! Black has all the winning chances. In the game Carlsen errs and ends up having to find some accurate moves to draw. V 68 'ifa6+ �es 69 'ii'b S+ 45 Th e S n ip e r 'ii'd s 7 0 'it>xa4 'ii'xbS+ 71 'it>xbs Yz-Yz Magnus made White's 10 'it>b1 look poor. An excellent exchange sacrifice made full use of the weakened e3 square. Except for the final stages Short was never in the game and was lucky to draw. 3 lbc3 cs We at last come to the Pure Sniper move order.
B3 move that has become popular of late. 9 XLC4 9 0-0-0 is covered in Games 10-13. White players have taken this approach with some regularity when facing the up-and-coming genius. d 7 Of course 9 . 'ii'b 6 here would have no point, as White can simply play 10 0-0-0. •. tl'Jc6 as opposed to other devel opment squares, and I strongly agree that this knight should come to c6. tl'Jc6, I've realized the lack of central pressure enables very good options for White. o-o because I want to play for the full point.
The Sniper: Play 1...g6, ...Bg7 and ...c5! by Charlie Storey
by George