By Rosemary Rees
ISBN-10: 1846905044
ISBN-13: 9781846905049
Edexcel's personal direction for GCE historical past. Edexcel GCE heritage is a brand new sequence for Edexcel's new examination specification for 2008. This scholar ebook is packed packed with examination guidance and actions, so scholars should be yes they're going to enhance all of the old abilities and realizing they want. Written by way of skilled examiners and academics, and adapted to the recent Edexcel specification, this booklet presents an lively, enticing technique that brings historical past alive within the school room! examination information, actions and resources in each bankruptcy supply scholars the arrogance to take on all of the questions that arise within the examination. rigorously written fabric guarantees the appropriate point of help at AS.
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He travelled extensively in the East in the late 1 880s and early 1 890s and wrote a great deal, not only about India but also about its land frontiers and the great Asian steppes beyond. He visited Kabul, for example, and made friends with the amir, Abdur Rahman; he travelled over the Pamirs and through Chitral with Maj or Francis Younghusband as his guide . Throughout these years he developed a passion for Indian archaeology and culture, becoming an expert in both. But travelling was not enough.
Curzon, as agreed, submitted the name of a candidate for the new post - and this was promptly vetoed by Kitchener, who went behind Curzon's back by lobbying against him to Whitehall's army department. The Secretary of State for India asked Curzon to suggest someone else . Angered by this affront, Curzon resigned. The I ndian Civil Service The Indian Civil Service was an hierarchical structure, ranging from the Crown right down to the humblest local official. Source J Source I N ever befo re had a Viceroy as powerfu l as C u rzon been ove rruled on so re lative ly m i n o r a m atter, a n d n ever aga i n wo uld a Viceroy so brilliant o r i m perious be a p p o i nted by Whitehall.
They expressed s o m eth i n g of the idea when they called us the ' h eaven born', and the idea is really m a ke-believe - m ut u a l m a ke-be lieve. They, the m i llions, made u s believe we had a d iv i n e m i s s i o n . We made t h e m believe we we re right. U n co n scio usly, perhaps, I m ay h ave had at the back of my m i n d that there was a British Batta lion a n d a Batte ry of Artillery at the Canto n m e nt near Aj m e re ; but I n ever tho ught of this, a n d I d o not think that many of the prim itive and s i m p le M e rs [tri be livi n g in eastern Rajast h a n ] had ever heard of o r seen English soldiers.
Edexcel GCE History AS Unit 2 D2 Britain and the Nationalist Challenge in India 1900-47: Unit 2 by Rosemary Rees
by David