By Gus Bourneuf
Workhorse of the Fleet: background of Liberty Ships.
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Thompson & sons Plan of engine and boiler rooms showing location of auxiliaries. The hull is subdivided by seven watertight bulkheads spaced to give the maximum degree of safety possible without impairing cargo capacity and stowage. As compared with pre-war cargo ships, the crew’s accommodation has been much improved. The size of the rooms has been increased and the furnishings improved. The petty officers, seamen and fireman have large separate messrooms. The petty officers’ mess is amidships, and those for the seamen and firemen in an enlarged after deck house.
It is to be borne in mind that the ‘emergency’ ship program is not to interfere with Navy Department construction and the Maritime Commission’s long-range program. It is not contemplated that these vessels will compete with those built for essential trade routes pursuant to the Merchant Marine Act, 1 936, as amended. “Contracts will be executed when construction funds are appropriated. ” page 46 Chapter V The Design Decision As noted in Chapter IV some of the plans of the British emergency ship had been in the hands of the Maritime Commission since early in December 1940.
8, 1940 Memorandum for Mr. , with all steam auxiliaries. The quantity of ships desired and the times at which deliveries are required should be established. With these factors established it is then possible to set the number of ways required in group locations for maximum production; in other words, a plan similar to the Hog Island production plan of the last War. Such a policy conserves the key-men positions in the labor field, which are the bottle-neck in shipyard production, and avails the industry of all the idle auxiliarybuilding capacity in the country.
Workhorse of the Fleet: History of Liberty Ships by Gus Bourneuf
by Anthony