By Teacher Created Resources Staff
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Step 2: Have your class take a pledge to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. Step 3: Pick 2-3 items from the list below to do in your class and/or at home during the next month. Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint 1. Ride your bike or walk to school, instead of getting a ride or driving. 2. Purchase a reusable water bottle to drink from, instead of using a new plastic bottle. 3. Turn off the lights every time you leave the room. 4. Keep your thermostat at 68 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer.
Where was it (or its counterpart) found during the Pleistocene? What is its habitat like? What behaviors did you observe? What surprised you? What did you learn? Step 4: Ask students to write their blogs. com) for your class. It takes a few minutes to sign up and then you can post your students’ blogs. Step 6: Share your blog information with your students’ parents and ask them to go online and comment on the blogs’ content. 37 activity sheet Write On! mydolph http://ww BLOG MY ZOO ABOUT ME R 25, 2009 PTEMBE FRIDAY, SE OFILE MPLETE PR VIEW MY CO Awesome!
Present-Day Animals 33 Your Carbon Footprint Correlates with the Science Content Standards: Ecology/Natural Selection/Conservation can reduce their own footprint, thus helping animals and their habitats around the world. Introduction n i wo d er… Grade Grade 6-126-12 objective: Students will learn what a carbon footprint is and how their behaviors Unfortunately, many animal populations are declining. The reasons for these reductions in numbers include, but are not limited to, habitat loss, introduced species, pollution, and climate change.
Elephant Odyssey Teacher Resources and Activities by Teacher Created Resources Staff
by James