By Kim Masters Evans
ISBN-10: 1414404123
ISBN-13: 9781414404127
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Additional info for Endangered Species: Protecting Biodiversity (Information Plus Reference Series) Animals Pets
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Fish and Wildlife Service budget request for fiscal year 2007 Miscellaneous 2% Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures: Fiscal Year 2004. The DOI collects spending data from other federal agencies and states receiving certain federal grants. 4 billion was spent during fiscal year 2004, broken down as follows: • Specific individual species—$793 million Recreation 8% • Land acquisition—$60 million • Other ESA expenses—$559 million Protect lives and property 10% Improve health of watersheds and landscapes 29% Sustain biological communities 51% Other ESA expenses include salaries, operational expenses, and maintenance costs that are not assignable to a particular species.
Designation of critical habitat has also been a contentious issue. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to avoid designating critical habitat under the ‘‘when prudent’’ clause. At that time the agency had set critical habitat for only approximately 10% of all listed species. The FWS lost the lawsuit, as well as many subsequent suits in the same vein. In 2000 the agency put a one-year hold on all work related to listing new species so that court-ordered critical habitat work could be tackled. In 2004 the Fish and Wildlife Service lost a case that focused on the agency’s decision to ignore petitions submitted for species that are candidate species.
These threats include: • Invasive insects and pathogens. Sudden Oak Death, caused by a new, unidentified pathogen, has killed thousands of oak and other species in coastal forests, mixed evergreen forests, and urban-wildland interfaces in California and southern Oregon. White pine blister rust is a nonnative fungus from Asia that has killed white pine trees in the western United States and Canada. S. forests. The hemlock woolly adelgid, native to Asia and introduced in the 1920s, continues to kill hemlock trees in the eastern United States.
Endangered Species: Protecting Biodiversity (Information Plus Reference Series) Animals Pets by Kim Masters Evans
by Joseph