P. Schechter's Exploring the Decolonial Imaginary: Four Transnational Lives PDF

By P. Schechter

ISBN-10: 1137012846

ISBN-13: 9781137012845

ISBN-10: 134934186X

ISBN-13: 9781349341863

This examine explores categories―empire and citizenship―that historians often examine individually. It does so with a unifying concentrate on racialization within the lives of exceptional girls whose careers crossed nationwide borders among 1880 and 1965. It places a person, highbrow, and feminine face on transnational phenomena.

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56 Neither whites nor natives could be citizens under the founding Liberian constitution. 57 In the 1880s, the Repository began to accent “scientific” thinking about race, supplanting beliefs about universal brotherhood and the shared destiny of the worlds’ peoples around a singular biblico-historical trajectory. This shift prompted a retraction of “white” investment in Africa and a provocative corollary: only “genuine” or “unadulterated Negroes” from within the diaspora could properly understand or carry out the work of nation building and Christianization in Africa.

M. Turner and C. H. J. 77 “The Cape Mt. Episcopal mission has been a moral stench since it passed into the hands of the Colored,” commented the prickly Mary L. Sharpe to ACS officials. ”78 The sexual double standard exhibited by racist whites and the sexual privilege assumed by some African American men in Liberia played right into Blyden’s reading of Deuteronomy. According to this text, a child who was the product of a “forbidden marriage” was prohibited from “entering the house of the Lord” unto the tenth generation.

Smith’s ability to negotiate this dynamic was essential to her survival and well-being within white majority settings. Around 1865, she moved to New York City with her second husband, James, who did hotel work while she took in laundry. There, sanctification helped work out the mounting tensions between spiritual and embodied existence. In late 1868, Smith sought out the preaching of Reverend John Inskip, known for his preaching on holiness, and her autobiography recounts her sanctification under his preaching with riveting detail.

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Exploring the Decolonial Imaginary: Four Transnational Lives by P. Schechter

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