Download PDF by George Weller: First Into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on

By George Weller

ISBN-10: 0307342026

ISBN-13: 9780307342027

Misplaced for greater than part a century, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist George Weller’s mythical dispatches from post-atomic-bomb Nagasaki have been stumbled on after his dying by means of his son, Anthony Weller. right here, this historical physique of labor is released for the 1st time.

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Extra info for First Into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic Japan and Its Prisoners of War

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How do you talk direct to him? How're you going to work the priest? How discredit him? What's the bait? Come on, think! " "Yes. Of course, I'm sorry. My name's John Blackthorne. I'm English, Pilot-Major of a Netherlands fleet. " "Fleet? What fleet? You're lying. There's no fleet. " "All in good time. " "Why are you the pilot of a Dutch privateer? " Blackthorne decided to gamble. His voice abruptly hardened and it cut through the morning warmth. "Que va! First translate what I said, Spaniard! " The priest flushed.

The pirate leader was looking up at them motionlessly, pale blue eyes unblinking, catlike, in front of his rabble crew. Yabu said, "Omi-san. First I want to go on the ship. " His voice thickened as he contemplated the pleasure he had promised himself. " Omi leaned closer and lowered his excited voice. "Please excuse me, but this has never happened before, Sire. Not since the Portuguese barbarians came here. Isn't the crucifix their sacred symbol? Aren't they always deferential to their priests?

China would allow no trade. Chinese silk cloth was vital to make the long, hot, humid Japanese summer bearable. For generations only a minuscule amount of contraband cloth had slipped through the net and was available, at huge cost, in Japan. Then, sixty-odd years ago, the barbarians had first arrived. The Chinese Emperor in Peking gave them a tiny permanent base at Macao in southern China and agreed to trade silks for silver. Japan had silver in abundance. Soon trade was flourishing. Both countries prospered.

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First Into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic Japan and Its Prisoners of War by George Weller

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