By C. Arcoumanis, Take Kamimoto
ISBN-10: 3540641424
ISBN-13: 9783540641421
Optimization of combustion procedures in automobile engines is a key consider lowering gas intake. This e-book, written via eminent collage and researchers, investigates and describes circulate and combustion approaches in diesel and fuel engines.
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Additional info for Flow and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines (Experimental Fluid Mechanics)
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80] which work well and are extensively used in simplified engine codes. A compilation of unstrained Sl data of many important hydrocarbons has been provided by Law [60]. In Fig. 40 a schematic structure of the turbulent engine flame front is presented. 3. g. R. Maly and R. Herweg whereas in the inverse case the larger scales will only convect the front without modifying its structure), • curvature (increased / decreased losses at convex / concave sections), • rate of pressure change dp/dt and • rate of wrinkling (response time in instationary turbulence) [61].
000 fps) showing spot-wise formation of exothermic centers (ETCs) in the endgas. g. B) develop into deflagrations whereas the lower right hand side of A transits into a developing detonation. Note the random distribution of ETCs and the pushing back of the regular flame front by the fast pressure rise in the endgas [73] • thermal explosion, being characterized by large centers with flat gradients. Pressure oscillations are moderate and knock damage is very light if any at all. • developing detonation, the most violent mode occuring rarely but causing intense pressure oscillations and rapid surface damage to materials.
G. 5 mJ) an ignition concept with minimum weight and volume may be conceived combining minimum erosion with 100% ignition probability. After delivering the first energy parcel a suitable combustion sensor performs an inflammation check. If inflammation was unsuccessful another parcel will be delivered and so on until successful ignition and self-sustained flame Fig. 34 Schematic voltage-time diagrams for a: a standard TCI (1) and b: an adaptive multiple spark ignition system with minimum weight/volume and maximum ignitability.
Flow and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines (Experimental Fluid Mechanics) by C. Arcoumanis, Take Kamimoto
by Thomas