By Anders Annerfalk
A historical past of the Swedish Air strength & Swedish aviation shape the early twentieth century to 1999.
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Extra info for Flygvapnet. An Illustrated History of the Swedish Air Force
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From "En flygofficers minnen" ("Memoirs of an Air Force Officer") by Axel Ljungdahl, later Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. 23 was a serious attempt by the Army Aviation Workshops at Malmen to build an indigenous fighter. The aircraft was no success, however—it had a less appreciated tendency to disintegrate in flight—so after a while further development was abandoned. The aircraft situation internal conflicts and general disagreements had occurred, had made it difficult to find the right means of forming a functional Air Force.
Also the possibility to specialise in one particular type of mission would drastically increase the operational efficiency of the wing. primary reconnaissance, the Hart was also tested as a bomber. It was found to be an even better dive bomber than reconnaissance aircraft, so the licence built Harts were converted and transferred to the bomber squadrons instead. Bombers, not fighters? Dive-bombing pioneer The suggested new organisation for the Air Force showed a faith in the operational capability of the Air Force, whilst the ratio of four bomber wings to one fighterwing showed a clear tactical determination: the enemy must be beaten in his own backyard.
Later, Aircraft - here a S 5 naval reconnaissance steamer "Tanja" in Gothenburg. aircraft - and equipment of the Swedish relief party was loaded onto the the "Italia" made a forced landing on the ice and several relief parties were sent to search for survivors. V-E. Aircraft and equipment were loaded on the steamer "Tanja" in Gothenburg, while crews accompanied by mechanics travelled by train to Narvik. In addition, the Swedish Airline AB Aerotransport sent one of its three-engined Junkers G 24s to Svalbard to provide assistance.
Flygvapnet. An Illustrated History of the Swedish Air Force by Anders Annerfalk
by David