By Franz (editor) Boas
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I , Fig- 7 Skull of Pithecanthropus erectus. Facial irregular transverse and basicranial regions (below line indicated by +) restored, idence indicating that these beds may be rather well advanced in the Pleistocene, perhaps even near the middle of that period. From a study of the associated especially the plants, Professor Berry of Johns Hopkins Uni" versity states that Pithecanthropus must have fallen well within the Pleistocene period ... we are thus led to the conclusion that Pithe- fossils, canthropus lived in the tropical evergreen jungle of Java during the or second periods of glaciation in Europe and North America/' first There is abundant geological evidence that Java was in that period a part of the Asian mainland, forming, together with Sumatra and Borneo, a great extension of what is^now the Malay Peninsula.
A. , A Text-book of Euro- 2. pean Archaeology (Cambridge, 1921), vol. 1, p. 25. , in Fossil Men (Edinburgh, 1923), takes a different view. See pp. 3. 36, 49, etc. Science, vol. 71, 4. Science, vol. 74, Supplement (Jan. 3, 1930), p. xii. Supplement (Sept. 4, 1931), p. , GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PREMISES 28 Archaeological Investigations in Kamchatka, Carnegie Institution of 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Wash- ington Publications, No. 388 (1928), p. 35. Berkey, C. , and Nelson, N. , Geology and Prehistoric Archaeology of the Gobi Desert, American Museum Novitates, No.
See pp. 3. 36, 49, etc. Science, vol. 71, 4. Science, vol. 74, Supplement (Jan. 3, 1930), p. xii. Supplement (Sept. 4, 1931), p. , GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PREMISES 28 Archaeological Investigations in Kamchatka, Carnegie Institution of 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Wash- ington Publications, No. 388 (1928), p. 35. Berkey, C. , and Nelson, N. , Geology and Prehistoric Archaeology of the Gobi Desert, American Museum Novitates, No. 222 (1926). Leakey, L. S. , The Relation between Past Pluvial and Glacial Periods, 98th Report of the British Association for the (Bristol, 1930), pp.
GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY by Franz (editor) Boas
by Ronald