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Chinese tend to settle in cities with Chinatowns, especially New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Koreans are most highly concentrated in Los Angeles but are also in New York and Chicago. Arabic-speaking groups are located in the Detroit metropolitan areas, especially Dearborn. Jewish immigrants have concentrated in New York. Asian immigrants have concentrated in older and frequently run-down neighborhoods and have improved them. Each of the Latin American and Caribbean groups have had distinctive settlement patterns.
The last period runs from 1965 to the present, when a set number of allowed immigrants has been established for each country. Because these limits do not always match the number of people who wish to immigrate to the United States from a particular country, a massive movement of illegal aliens has resulted. As Chapter 4 reveals, a vast number of organizations handle different aspects of immigration. These organizations can be classified into four categories. The most comprehensive category includes the governmental and private general immigration organizations.
Deciding which potential immigrants should be admitted raises many Page 2 questions that have not been resolved concerning economic capability and commitment to humanitarian goals. Further, in more practical terms, finding homes and jobs for millions of new families presents formidable economic, social, cultural, and political problems. A fundamental question in this process is, How committed is the United States to becoming a multicultural society? Finding a satisfactory answer to this question may be the most important challenge the United States faces in the twenty-first century.
Gwydion Dylan library reference guide
by Anthony