S. Friedlander, D. Serre's Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics PDF

By S. Friedlander, D. Serre

ISBN-10: 0444503307

ISBN-13: 9780444503305

The guide of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics is a compendium of essays that gives a survey of the main subject matters within the topic. every one article lines advancements, surveys the result of the previous decade, discusses the present kingdom of information and provides significant destiny instructions and open difficulties. wide bibliographic fabric is equipped. The e-book is meant to be worthwhile either to specialists within the box and to mathematicians and different scientists who desire to know about or commence learn in mathematical fluid dynamics. The guide illuminates an exhilarating topic that comprises rigorous mathematical idea utilized to a tremendous actual challenge, specifically the movement of fluids.

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The collision frequency ν; the latter can be adjusted to give a correct value for either the viscosity µ or the heat conductivity κ, but not for both. This is shown by the fact that the Prandtl number Pr = µ/cp κ (where cp is the specific heat at constant pressure) turns out [39,35] to be unity for the BGK model, while it is about to 2/3 for a monatomic gas (according to both experimental data and the Boltzmann equation). 8) where I is the identity and p the stress matrix. If we let Pr = 1, we recover the BGK model.

This effect is particularly important in small systems, such as micromachines, since the temperature differences are small but may have relatively large second derivatives; it is usually called the thermal stress slip flow [154,153,138]. The second effect is nonlinear [101,155] and occurs when two isothermal surfaces do not have constant distance (thus in any situation with large temperature gradients, in the absence of particular symmetries). , the speed is of the order of the Knudsen number, the terms of second order in the temperature show up in the momentum equation.

1). 1). 2) stationary. 2) stationary (variational method). 2). But, even if this is not the case, the property is useful. First of all, it gives a non-arbitrary recipe to select among approximations to the solution in a given class. Second, if we find that the functional J is related to some physical quantity, we can compute this quantity with high accuracy, even if we have a poor approximation to h. If the error η is of order 10%, then J will be in fact computed with an error of the order ˜ from J (h) is of order η2 , as we have seen.

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Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics by S. Friedlander, D. Serre

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