By Satish Kandlikar, Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stephane Colin, Michael R. King
ISBN-10: 0080445276
ISBN-13: 9780080445274
ISBN-10: 0080456189
ISBN-13: 9780080456188
Warmth exchangers with minichannel and microchannel circulation passages have gotten more and more renowned as a result of their skill to take away huge warmth fluxes less than single-phase and two-phase purposes. This ebook serves as a sourcebook for these contributors concerned with the layout tactics of microchannel stream passages in a warmth exchanger. This booklet manages to provide its findings in a way that's at once priceless to a fashion designer, whereas a researcher is ready to use the data in constructing new types, or in opting for learn wishes. each one bankruptcy is observed via a 'real lifestyles' case learn. First e-book released exclusively facing warmth and fluid circulate in minichannels and microchannels.
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Conversely, when σ = 1, the gas molecules transmit all their tangential momentum to the wall and the reflection is a diffuse reflection. 57) which is very close to the value of the mean free path λHS deduced from an HS model. 58) w which omits the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 56). Chapter 2. Single-phase gas flow in microchannels 27 After non-dimensionalization with the characteristic length L, a reference velocity u0 and a reference temperature T0 , Eq. 59) w where us∗ = us /u0 , T ∗ = T /T0 , n∗ = n/L and s∗ = s/L.
1. According to the associated boundary conditions, they can be valid up to Knudsen numbers in the order of 10−1 or 1 (cf. Fig. 7). In the case of a plane flow in the (x, y) plane, Eq. 73) yields (1) σxx = µ δ1 (1) (1) σxy = σyx = µ (1) ∂uy ∂ux + δ2 ∂x ∂y ∂uy ∂ux + ∂y ∂x σyy = µ δ1 ∂uy ∂ux + δ2 ∂y ∂x with δ1 = 4/3 and δ2 = −2/3. 75) 32 Heat transfer and fluid flow in minichannels and microchannels As the Knudsen number becomes higher, additional higher-order terms from Eqs. 70) are required. 77) σB = σEQ + σEQ + σEQ qB = qEQ + qEQ + qEQ These new expressions for stress and heat-flux terms dramatically complicate the EHE systems.
Heat transfer in microchannels and thermally driven gas microflows are also described. They are particularly interesting for vacuum generation, using microsystems without moving parts. 1. Rarefaction and wall effects in microflows In microfluidics, theoretical knowledge for gas flows is currently more advanced than that for liquid flows (Colin, 2004). Concerning the gases, the issues are actually more clearly identified: the main micro-effect that results from shrinking down the devices size is rarefaction.
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and Microchannels by Satish Kandlikar, Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stephane Colin, Michael R. King
by Kenneth