By James Ward
Прекрасная книга по истории орнаментального искусства. Автор изучает орнаменты, оставленные разными культурными традициями в различные исторические эпохи. В поле зрения автора попадает практически все, на что наносился орнамент: оружие, посуда, архитектурные памятники, предметы обихода и т.д.
Текст книги постоянно сопровождается наглядными иллюстрациями, что делает книгу понятной широкому кругу читателей.
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Knives, hammers, gouges, sickles, daggers, spears, many kinds of vessels, and articles of swords, shields, personal adornment made in bronze, belong to the earlier time of the Bronze period, and similar articles were made Fig. 29. Fig. 2,2. Fig- 31- Fig. 34Fig. 33Figs. 28 to 30. Figs. 31 to —Bronze and Paalstabs. ) and Moulds. ) THE BRONZE AGE. 23 IMJ -@2 Vi*'^^ '% m Fig. 37. Fig. 35- Fig. 36. — Bronze Swords and Spear-Head. Figs. 35 to 38. Fig. ) HISTORIC ORNAMENT. 2+ in this material in the prehistoric (Figs.
J. 43. ) A. Worsaae, in his "Danish Arts," and by ]\Ir, Hans Hildebrand, in his "Arts of Scandinavia," to which books we are indebted for the accompanying illustrations. HISTORIC ORNAMENT. 26 It may be much noticed that of the decoration on these objects consists of a few simple elements with much geometric repetition. e Bowl Ibuiul in Sweden. tri- {Scand. ) angles, zigzag lines, and bands formed of lines which are reminiscences of the earlier withy lashings, with which the stone celts were fastened to their hafts.
Swastika it CHAPTER V. THE IROX AGE. The age of Iron, like the Bronze ages, varies very much time in Europe as compared wiih Asia, and also there is a great overlapping between the times of the Iron age in the northern, middle, and southern parts of in point of Europe. It is safe to say that the early part of this age belongs to prehistoric times as far as Central and Northern Europe is concerned, and although the Grecian Archi- pelago and Western Asia were in a high state of civilised culture five or six centuries before the Christian era, and were acquainted with the use of iron, it is clear that the extensive employment and decoration of iron implements and arms were chiefly in Switzerland, Northern Italy, and in the Valley of the Danube.
Historic ornament treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament by James Ward
by Joseph