By T A Taiwo; G Palmiotti; J Tommasi; G Aliberti; Argonne National Lab.; All authors
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The designs of EFR and BN−800 (the latter’s NPP construction on the site of Beloyarsk has already started) demonstrate the capabilities of evolutionary development of a traditional concept of fast reactor design, cost reduction being one of them. Nevertheless, the lessons learned from a 50-year experience and new conditions set for power industry demand for development of a new concept for fast reactor which will adequately meet the variety of cost−efficiency and safety requirements in their present−day understanding.
N. S. G. N. ALEXEYEV Russian Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russian Federation Abstract The BFS−77−1 critical experiments were performed to validate and verify the software and cross section data base aiming at confirming the neutronics analysis of lead cooled BREST−OD−300 fast reactor core. For the validation and verification, other experimental works have been also completed to justify software and cross section data base, and real accuracy of calculation of characteristics of the BREST−OD−300 fast reactor core.
The new design features adopted in the BREST-1200 reactor design include: pool-type reactor design not requiring metal vessel, hence, not limiting reactor power; new handling system allowing to reduce central hall and building dimensions as a whole; emergency cooling system using field pipes, immersed directly in lead, which may be used to cool down reactor under normal conditions; by--pass line incorporated in coolant loop allowing to refuse the actively actuating valve initiated in pumps shut down.
Impact of spectral transition zone in reference ENIGMA configuration by T A Taiwo; G Palmiotti; J Tommasi; G Aliberti; Argonne National Lab.; All authors
by Anthony