By Rama Nath Sharma
ISBN-10: 812151049X
ISBN-13: 9788121510493
Half 1 of a 6 quantity sequence. This quantity examines the notions of grammar, rule, and derivation with regards to the Astadhyayi as a grammatical equipment. This booklet is a reprint version of vol.1, with a translation of ideas within the Index and an up to date bibliography.
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A full and insightful discussion of this, as well as the principles oisāmānya and viśeşa underlying the listing of the Ss in relation to their anubandhas, is presented in Cardona (1969). The denotata of some abbreviatory terms may not, at first glance, be obvious. Consider aN and iN Should the N of these abbreviations be inter preted as the N of Ss 1 or of Ss 6? For, aN and iN formed with Ss 1 will denote only a, i, u and i, u respectively. If the N is interpreted as belonging to Ss 6, respectively a, i, u, r, Z, e, o, ai, au, h, y, v, r, I and i, u, r, /, e, o, ai, au, h, y, v, r, I will be denoted.
It has been stated that the tradition ofpraknya began with pedagogy as its goal although Bhattoji's goal was not exacdy the same. One can still think that he shared the goal of focusing on derivation and presenting rules in an order most conducive to that. This indeed was the purpose behind rearranging the Paninian rules. It is surprising to learn that except for ease in prakriyā no other reason has been given by the tradition for the new sutra arrangement. The tradition has resisted anything not in consonance with Panini.
Thus we get Pdnini and the Paniniyas 21 examples mŗduhastī/mŗdnhastā 'she whose hands are soft', candramukhī/ candramukhā 'she whose face is like the moon', etc. Kasika advocates inclu sion of stems such as anga 'limb', gātra 'body', and hantha throat', all of which have a conjunct in their upadhā. This inclusion will account for usages such as mŗdvañgī/mŗdvañgā 'she whose limbs are soft', sugātrī/ sugātrā 'she whose body is beautiful' and snigdhahaņthīlsnigdhakaņthā 'she whose voice is sweet*.
The Astadhyayi of Panini Volume 1 (Introduction to the Astadhyayi as a Grammatical Device) by Rama Nath Sharma
by Anthony