By Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, Vjaceslav V. Ivanov
ISBN-10: 3110147289
ISBN-13: 9783110147285
The authors propse a revision of perspectives on a couple of significant problems with Indo-European stories. according to findings of typology, they recommend an research of the phonological procedure of Proto-Indo-European (the "glottalic" theory); they give novel assumptions in regards to the relative chronology of adjustments in PIE vowels and laryngeals. Their conclusions are in comparison with facts from Paroto-Kartvelian. within the moment a part of the booklet, a semantically equipped presentation of fabric from the lexicon is mixed with analyses of using types and formulae in a largely outlined cultural context. back similarities with homes of essentially Kartvelian and Semitic are defined, and prolonged shut contacts with those language households are postulated. This unavoidably ends up in a suggestion to put the hypothetical Urheimat of the Indo-Europeans within the quarter south of the Caucasus. quantity I and II of the unique Russian variation were mixed within the English model as half I; the bibliography and indexes are released as half II.
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De carnisprivio quod fecimw die martis in portu Acthenarum. -Predict0 die martis carnisprivii, custodivimus vigiliam sancti Mathie Apostoli, quia sic inveni in kalendario meo,’ et fecimus nostrum carnisprivium in litore maris, commedendo panem, caseum et de certis pastedis ovorum et casei donatis nobis in terra Fermie. Cum quantis suspiriis et cordis ac mentis desolatione* dictum carnisprivium feu, considerans me in dicto exilio permanere ubi non habebam spem de aliquo navilio quod me ad meam patriam portaret ; considerans etiam desolationem domus mee et omnium meorum consanguineorum ac amicorum, quibus nullum novum de meo statu poteram notificare; considerans etiam me illis diebus carnisprivii in domo mea in tantis et diversis ferculis habundari quod non solum pro usu domus mee sufficiebat sed etiam pro egenis et pauperculis convicinis.
Pp. xv-xvii. PP. 95-99. lo P. I. 9 Pp. 6-8. Cape Malia; see Tau or Taut Saint Ange, p. l1 171. P. 96, g328. l3 Vitylos, on the east side of Kalamata; see p. 173. See also Anonymus Ambrosianus, Milan, Bibl. , fol. 88r; Ziebarth as above (Chapter I, note 11), p. ” l2 38 VISITORS TO GREEK LANDS V GIOVA"1 MARIA ANGIOLELLO A. Nozze Lampertico-Balbi. 26 Aprile, 1881? Come l'anno 1468 10 Francesco et Gio. ' After the Turkish capture of the town, Giovanni Maria, less than 18 years of age: was taken as a slave to Constantinople and assigned to the Sultan.
77. Deycks, p. xxii;Evelt, p. 5. R. Rohricht, Deutsche Pilgeweisen nach dent Eeiligen L a d e (Innsbruck: goo), p. go. 8 C. L. Grotefend, “I. Die Edelherren von Boldensele; 11. des hist. Vereins f. Niedersuchsen, I, 1852 (publ. 1855), I, pp. 209-226; 11, pp. 226-286. For the facts given above see pp. 209, 229-230. According to one account, after leaving the Dominicans Wilhelm joined the Hospitallers, the order of the Knights of St. John at Jerusalem. ,p. 231. loDeycks, p. 71 ; Grotefend, p. 229.
Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Analysis of a Proto-Language and a Proto-Culture: Part II: Bibliography, Indexes (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs) by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, Vjaceslav V. Ivanov
by John