By Peter Joyce
ISBN-10: 1349143537
ISBN-13: 9781349143535
ISBN-10: 1349143553
ISBN-13: 9781349143559
This e-book is anxious with the realignment of innovative political forces in Britain. It specializes in the connection among the Liberal after which Liberal Democrats and the Labour events, and seeks to supply an figuring out of the standards that have created the potential of the realignment of the centre left of the political spectrum and the forces that have traditionally impeded its attainment. This authoritative account of the British left and centre because the 19th century bargains crucial heritage for present politics.
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35 This section examines the failure to secure realignment between 1906 and 1918. The Lost Opportunities of Realignment The political climate of the years immediately before the First World War presented the opportunity for realignment. The possibility of the actions of the Liberal government being Liberal-Labour Relationships, 1906-29 51 guided by social democratic principles derived from a political alliance of the party's radical wing and the emerging Labour party arose as a serious political course of action in this period and was advocated by journals such as the Nation.
The direction of the war should be entrusted to a War Committee composed of Lloyd George, Bonar Law, Lord Curzon and Arthur Henderson and of which the prime minister would not be a member. Asquith felt unable to accede to this suggestion, believing it to be inconsistent with his responsibility as prime minister. 21 His replacement by Lloyd George split the Liberal party. Liberal Ministers agreed with Asquith's refusal of the course of action proposed by Lloyd George,22 and further opposed the King's suggestion that Asquith should serve in an administration headed by Bonar Law on the grounds that Lloyd George would be its actual head.
It did, however, work out effectively in many areas, such as Lancashire 52 and was particularly easy to expedite in two-member constituencies. Such an arrangement implied an acceptance by the Liberal party of an independent working-class political party and further suggested the feasibility of two-party cooperation which fell short of realignment, in which both Liberal and Labour parties retained their independent organisation but cooperated electorally and in matters of policy too. A conceivable problem was that of an expanded LRC electoral front.
Realignment of the Left?: A History of the Relationship between the Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties by Peter Joyce
by Edward