By Gerhart Friedlander, Joseph W. Kennedy
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This value presumably corresponds roughly to R in. figure II-2. The radius R of the potential well inside which only the shortrange nuclear forces are of importance can be determined in sevsectional "area" \ The other ways. eral cross- which a nu- cleus presents to a beam of fast neutrons can be determined \ from experiments on fast neu- tron absorption and scattering. This method yields values of from about 6 X KT 13 for 50 to about 1 X 10~ 12 R A for A ~ 200. 8 FIGURE II-2. Potential energy in the neighborhood of a nucleus.
2 /) , sin 4 - rc(0) is the number of scattered a particles falling on a unit area at a distance r from the scattering point when the angle between the directions of the initial and scattered a particles is where n number of particles, d the thickness of the number of nuclei per unit volume of scatterer and Ze the charge per nucleus. a and va are the mass and initial 6] is the incident scatterer, N the M velocity of the a particle. Rutherford's hypothesis thus predicted that the number of scattered particles per unit area was proportional to the thickness of the scatterer and to the square of the nuclear charge, arid inversely proportional to the square of the a-particle energy and to the fourth power of the sine of half the scattering angle.
In all of these the chargeto-mass ratio of positive ions is determined from the amount of deflection in a combination of magnetic and electric fields; but they use different arrangements for bringing about either velocity focusing or directional focusing or both, for ions of a given e/M. Instruments which use photographic plates for recording the mass spectra are called mass spectrographs; those which make use of collection and measurement of ion currents are referred to as mass spectrometers. With modern techniques mass determinations can be made with 5 a precision of 1 part in 10 for light atoms (up to about A = 40) and with somewhat lower precision (sometimes as low as 1 part 4 in 10 ) for heavier atoms.
Introduction to radiochemistry by Gerhart Friedlander, Joseph W. Kennedy
by Michael