By Guy B. Marin (Eds.)
ISBN-10: 0120085313
ISBN-13: 9780120085316
The topic of the current quantity is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and goals to teach the state of the art of the appliance of CFD in chemical engineering.The quantity is made of 5 complementary contributions, supplying a method of among an academic and a examine paper. a few contributions are solely restricted to speed and temperature fields. Others emphasize the problems linked to the mix of delivery and reaction.Contributions comprise facing the simulation of gas-liquid bubble columns and gas-liquid-solid fluidized beds. Addressing different degrees of modeling which are required as a way to hide the whole spectrum of size scales which are very important for business functions. Stirred turbulent vessels and the chemical reactions. the significance of chemical response kinetics and the interplay with shipping phenomena. eventually, reactor engineering: the catalytic mounted mattress reactor. * unique studies * best chemical engineers as authors * Reviewing the cutting-edge of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
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To determine the relative significance of λ droplet ξ Vapor flow O Solid surface FIG. 9. Coordinates for the vapor-layer model. 32 YANG GE AND LIANG-SHIH FAN each term in these motion equations, an order of magnitude analysis is made by considering the following dimensionless groups: x x¯ ¼ ; R l Z¼ ; d u¯ x ¼ ux ; Ux u¯ l ¼ ul ; Ul p¯ ¼ p ; rU 2x ¯t ¼ tU x ; R Red ¼ dðxÞuld n (46) where R is the droplet radius; d the vapor-layer thickness; Red the local evaporation Reynolds number; uld(x) the local vapor velocity; and Ux, Ul the velocity scalars in x, l directions, respectively.
16 is conducted under perfectly symmetrical conditions, which is not easy to achieve in the experiments. 48 YANG GE AND LIANG-SHIH FAN FIG. 17. Droplet impacts on the flat surface with a small tangential velocity. Other conditions are the same as those in Fig. 16. As the droplet is released from the nozzle and moves toward the superheated surface, some uncontrollable factors such as the angle of dropping, obliquity of the surface, and perturbation in the ambient conditions render it difficult to maintain a perfectly normal collision between the droplet and solid surface.
50) can be obtained in power series form. Under the condition that Red Oð1Þ, F(Z) can be approximated by only including the first three terms in the power series with good accuracy: FðZÞ ¼ Fd Z À jðxÞZ 1 Red À 2 24 2 Z Red 4 À Z þ jðxÞ 2 24 (52) The averaged vapor-flow velocity is given by Z 1 u¯ x ðxÞ ¼ O 0 1 d2 3 @ p 1 À Red Fd dZ ¼ uld ðxÞ À 2 20 @x r 12g (53) The vapor-continuity equation can be expressed by u¯ x ðxÞ ¼ 1 xdðxÞ Z x x0 uld ðx0 Þdx0 (54) 0 The pressure distribution in the vapor layer can be obtained by solving Eqs.
Computational Fluid Dynamics by Guy B. Marin (Eds.)
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