By Ya-Chun Hung (Bhikkhunī Syinchen)
A dissertation submitted to the college of the dept of spiritual reviews, collage of the West, Rosemead, California.
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24 78 neither-perception-nor-non-perception. Here, the inclusion of the base of neitherperception-nor-non-perception is questionable. th th The 745 sūtra and the 870 sūtra of the Samyukta Āgama, the Bacheng jing of the Madhyama Āgama, and the Foshuo shizhijushi bachengren jing sustain the eightfold scheme of śamatha translated by Gu abhadra, Sa ghadeva, and An Shigao. These three translators were experts in the Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma and also translated its Abhidharma texts, such as the Zhong shifen apitan lun MW^MtbUm the *Abhidharmahrdayasdstra (Apitan xin lun M^&'bWS) by Gu abhadra, by Sa ghadeva, and the Apitan wufaxing jing M ^ | » E / A A I M by An Shigao.
169 The threefold training (śiksa-traya) is the training in the higher virtue, the higher mind and the higher wisdom leading to the cessation of distraction, the concentration of the mind, and the final deliverance. fft|^F^J£pRfi), Prajhaptisastra (Abhidharma shishe zulun |AJ l*l§JilSSpxi£proX Prakaranapāda (Apidamo pinlei zu lun P°Jtfc5^J©on*HJ£Bm), Dhātukāya (Apidamo jieshen zulun [SJtfcgltJll H ^ S t r a ) , Vijnanakāya (Apidamo shishen zulun WtMEMsX and Jñānaprasthāna (Apidamo fazhi lun M tbjiJgff^Bil).
These nine taintless attainments are consistent with the sevenfold scheme of śamatha, and contrary to the eightfold scheme. On the basis of Nāgārjuna's works, the Chinese Sanlun school H U T K was founded. 107 In Yogācāra, the Yogdcdrabhūmi (Yuqie shidi lun mUUMm) advocates the same nine attainments for the extinction of all defilements, and definitely rejects the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception as an effective basis for insight: There are nine bases for all worldlings to extirpate all taints.
Issues in Samatha and Vipasyana: A Comparative Study of Buddhist Meditation by Ya-Chun Hung (Bhikkhunī Syinchen)
by Ronald