By Melvin Morse
ISBN-10: 2914569114
ISBN-13: 9782914569118
Purement r?volutionnaire : apr?s quinze ann?es de recherches, le Dr Melvin Morse, m?decin urgentiste et p?diatre, affirme que 1) nous disposons tous dans notre lobe temporal droit d'un circuit biologique sp?cialement con?u pour dialoguer avec Dieu et que 2) les souvenirs de notre vie se trouvent hors de notre cerveau! S'appuyant sur les derni?res d?couvertes m?dicales et scientifiques, son livre explique pour los angeles premi?re fois avec une logique implacable l'ensemble des ph?nom?nes surnaturels et mystiques, tout comme les vies pass?es, les sensations de d?j? vu, l'intuition, les gu?risons spontan?es et surtout le don de " voir " des parcelles de l'avenir. De fa?on easy et claire, le Dr Morse donne des cas document?s et raconte remark il est parvenu ? ses conclusions apr?s avoir travaill? avec ses sufferers qui ont european des exp?riences aux fronti?res de l. a. mort. Salu? par l. a. presse anglo-saxonne comme une avanc?e majeure du XXIe si?cle, ce livre ouvre des portes insoup?onn?es et donne une measurement nouvelle, ph?nom?nale, ? los angeles spiritualit?. Des pilotes de chasse aux ?pileptiques, des neurologues aux physiciens en passant par les biologistes et les m?decins g?n?ralistes, sa th?se prend vie et s'impose comme une ?vidence.
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E B E R H A R D A R N O L D . C O M 39 T H E 18 E A R L Y C H R I S T I A N S : T H E W I T N E S S O F T H E E A R LY C H U R C H A. Harnack, The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries, hereafter referred to as Harnack ET (English Translation), vol. I, pp. 401 ff. He emphasizes that according to the Old Testament “the poor” was a designation of distinction. ” 19 Here (To Donatus 4) Cyprian glorifies the freely flowing Spirit, which cannot be restrained by any barriers or limits, but flows perpetually in rich exuberance – as long as the heart thirsts and is open for it.
12. 80 Cyprian, To Donatus 5. 81 Tertullian, Apology 46. 82 Tertullian, Apology 27; Tatian, Address to the Greeks 16. 83 Cyprian, To Demetrianus 15; see also To Donatus 5. W W W . E B E R H A R D A R N O L D . 7. 7. 6. 8. B. Swete, 1882, pp. 121 ff. see Harnack ET, vol. 1. pp. 445–446. 89 Tertullian, On the Prescription of Heretics 20; On Modesty 21. Even the apostles recognized that their authority to forgive sins was dependent on the gift of the Holy Spirit. Compare Origen, On Prayer 28. D. 375 a Roman presbyter published Quaestiones Veteris et Novi Testamenti (93, ch.
Before that time, therefore, there was no church in the sense of a consecrated building. Tertullian, Hippolytus, Clement of Alexandria, Minucius Felix, Origen, and Cyprian were the first to mention rooms or buildings set aside for worship. 5; and Acts of Justin Martyr. See also p. 60-61 below. 92 See documentation in Wetter, Altchristliche Liturgien, notes 11 and 19 above. 22. 33) granted former soldiers “freedom and peace” if they chose to profess their religion rather than maintain their military rank.
La divine connexion by Melvin Morse
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