La guerra e il sistema tributario italiano - download pdf or read online

By Luigi Einaudi

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Cichorius suggested that the satire dealt with the bill for the command against Aristonicus in 131, when Lucilius' patron, Scipio Aemilianus, suffered a defeat. 5 But see for Tusculum 8. 37. 8-12; for Formiae, Fundi, and Arpinum 38. 36. 7-9. 6 See Q. Cornificius, Chap. 13, for evidence from Cicero that leads to the establishment of the tribe of Rhegium in Calabria. 30 L Geographical Distribution of the Tribes in Italy soldiers. Another region where the inscriptions fail us is the immediate neighborhood of Kome, where large estates, worked by slave labor, reduced the local population.

This document is a forerunner of the military diplomata of the empire which, beginning with the time of Claudius, record award of citizenship by emperors not to special groups virtutis causa, but to all members of auxiliary units entitled to honorable dismissal. 11 They come from a period when the tribe had lost its old meaning, and there is not a word in the diplomata about the tribes of the new citizens. But two documents emanating from Octavian during the triumvirate mention tribes. 12 The other document, from a Greek inscription from Ehosos in Cilicia, specifies the tribe.

311, n. 3: xoc]( TWOQ 7r6Xecoc dmoix]icc<; 'IraXta; elvai OsXcoatv, [ O6T]O)(; Tei[xa[c9ai. 10 11 YJ . . 15 Balbus took his nomen from a Cornelius Lentulus, almost certainly L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus, consul 49, who was perhaps a young eontubernalis of Pompey in the war against Sertorius. Did Balbus take his tribe as well as his nomen from this Lentulus ? Balbus' original tribe is unknown. He changed it later to the Clustumina as a reward for his part in a prosecution. Men did not usually make such transfers unless the new tribe was a better one, and that suggests that Balbus was originally in an inferior tribe, that is, an urban tribe.

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La guerra e il sistema tributario italiano by Luigi Einaudi

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