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By Katie Marsico,Reginald Butler

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By the fifth salvo, the Bismarck’s gunners are finding their marks, landing one shell broadside into the Hood’s deck. That shell explodes in the 4-inch magazine, where ammunition is stored, and sets off the 15-inch magazine. As smoke billows from the Hood, the next enormous explosion destroys the ship. Within minutes, the Hood is sinking. There are 1,500 men onboard. Three survive. Battleship Bismarck withdrawing from the Battle of Denmark Strait after sinking HMS Hood, 24 May 1941. Photo courtesy German archives.

Heinrich Himmler was one of Hitler’s leading henchmen. He joined the Nazi party in 1923 and helped Hitler rise to power. Early on, Himmler coordinated Nazi propaganda. When Hitler needed an excuse to invade Poland, Himmler came up with the false stories for newspapers. He also coordinated the fake murders at the Polish radio station. Himmler hated Jews. He would become one of the main architects of the Holocaust, the mass murder of millions of innocent people considered “inferior” by Hitler. Growing up in Germany, Himmler was part of the Catholic church.

Stalin’s secret police, the NKVD, executed more than 250,000 Red Army soldiers. Another 400,000 soldiers were sent to penal colonies. But by August, the Germans had pushed the Soviet defenders back to the suburbs of Stalingrad. By August 25th, the city was officially under siege. In early September, the German steamroll started: the notorious 6th Army, with elements of the 4th Panzer Army and the carpet-bombing Luftwaffe, turned Stalingrad into dust and rubble. Soviet soldiers (lower right) defending Stalingrad in house-to-house warfare.

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Levers by Katie Marsico,Reginald Butler

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