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By Hugh Jack

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Examples are gravity, and other free bodies. • An example of using free body diagrams for a system is given below with a system of masses, ropes, pulleys and anchors. P2 Step 1: label all of the components in the system. In this case there are two masses, two pulleys, one ring, and three cables (one cable is threaded through two pulleys. T1 T3 P1 R1 T2 M1 M2 page 45 Step 2: break the system into parts. The rule of thumb here is that each FBD should have only one rigid body. M2 R1 M1 P1 P2 Step 3: Draw arrow heads on the force vectors, and label each with a variable.

If the plane is pointed N20°E, but is actually moving N23°E, and its 22,000 lb engine is at full thrust, a) what force is the wind exerting on the plane? b) What is the answer in newtons? N (North) 20° 3° a) Fw= 1137lb b) Fw= 5070N E (East) 7. Given the system of vectors pictured, a) give the resultant force using cartesian notation b) find the magnitude of the resultant force in metric units. c) Then then using cosine angles, and page 38 finally d) projected onto the x-y plane. , New York, USA, 1992.

Finally consider an application of moment calculations as seen below. Here we would need to balance the maximum load allowed against the hydralic cylinders acting on the lifter. This can be done using a sum of moments. , New York, USA, 1992. 2 FORCE COUPLES TO MAKE CENTERLESS MOMENTS • Sometimes we are faced with moments that are in awkward positions, We can move these by replacing them with forces and moments in new positions. (Force couples also allow us to rotate the effects of moments) • Keep in mind that couples cause rotation only, without any translation.

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Mechanical Engineering Problems by Hugh Jack

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