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By United States. War Department

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This condition of reduced pressure also moves outward, trailing the shock front. When the pressure becomes less than atmospheric, the wind reverses in direction and blows backward toward the point of detonation. Any light object, such as a leaf, when struck by the shock front, is rapidly carried away from the point of detonation and then is blown back almost to the original position when the wind reverses. The shock front, the high pressure area behind it, and the following rarefaction form a complete wave to which the terms blast and shock wave, generally, are applied (figure 4-9).

As the shocks reflect and rarefications fan out and the surfaces move, the x-t plot is used to keep track of the variables. By substituting terms from equations 4-6, 4-7, and 4-8 into equation 4-9 and solving, we can obtain more forms of the Hugoniot, for example: 2 P = p0(c0u +su ) (4-10) (5) Three planes or two dimensional plots are used to describe the shock properties and shock histories of materials. They are the distance-time (x-t) plane, the pressure-particle velocity plane (P-u) described by equation 4-10, and the pressure-specific volume (P-vs) curve.

A TGA can be run in two ways. The temperature can be held constant and the weight is monitored continuously. The data is then plotted as weight or percentage of weight change versus time. The other method commonly employed is to vary the temperature at a specified rate and plot the weight or percentage of weight change versus temperature. The results reported in this manual use a sample size of approximately 10 milligrams and a heating rate of 10°C per minute. The vacuum stability test is used extensively to measure stability.

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Military explosives by United States. War Department

by James

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