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In the era 560 (522), Gilimer took up kingship with despotic power; he cruelly destroyed many of the nobles of the province of Africa and took away the property of many people. Against him the Emperor Justinian sent an army because of the vision of the bishop Laetus who had been made a martyr by Huneric, king of the Vandals; the force was led by Belisarius, the commander-in-chief of the army; after joining batde Belisarius killed Guntemir and Gebamund, the king's brothers, who had been defeated in the first encounter; then, after putting Gilimer himself to flight, he took Africa in the ninety-seventh year after the entry of the Vandals.
In the second year of his reign he waged war against the Ruccones. He then went to the help of Leovigild, the king of the Goths, against his rebellious son and to aid him in capturing Seville, and there completed the end of his life. 92. His son Eboric succeeded him in kingship, but when he was still a young man, Audeca seized despotic power, deprived him of kingship, and after making him a monk sentenced him to a monastery. But condemnation for this deed was not long delayed. Leovigild, king of the Goths, soon made war upon the Suevi and after conquering their kingdom and dethroning Audeca, tonsured him and subjected him to the office of the priesthood after the dignity of royal power.
But the Spaniards in the remaining cities and strongholds, having been struck down by the plagues, placed themselves in subjection to the ruling barbarians. Gunderic was the first king of the Vandals to rule in Spain, and he reigned in parts of Galicia for eighteen years. He broke the peace treaty and besieged the nation of the Suevi in the Erbasian mountains ; he then abandoned the siege of the Suevi and plundered the Balearic Islands of the province of Tarraco. Then, after overthrowing Cartagena, he crossed to Baetica with all the Vandals and destroyed Seville, which he plundered after causing slaughter.
Misserschmitt. Flight and maitenance Manual
by Ronald