By Charles Hirsch
ISBN-10: 0471917621
ISBN-13: 9780471917625
ISBN-10: 0471923516
ISBN-13: 9780471923510
ISBN-10: 0471923850
ISBN-13: 9780471923855
ISBN-10: 0471924520
ISBN-13: 9780471924524
V. 1. basics of numerical discretization -- v. 2. Computational equipment for inviscid and viscous flows
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11). 1). 4 42 in Volume 1. 2for the Laplace operator. This can be correctedby the explicit addition of recoupling terms and we refer the reader to the original referencesand to Caugheyand Jameson (1982)for the details of this procedure. Other finite volume schemescan be defined following various options describedin Chapter 6 in Volume 1. An interesting finite volume approach, worth mentioning because of its simplicity, has beendevelopedby Wedan and South (1983),defining a Cartesian mesh, with a particular treatment of the boundary cells which are cut by the solid walls.
D '" u 8 . :I: --e.. e 0 ~ "! d : 8; ~ B , U :§: ~ ~ ... 2). 2 Discretization of metric coefficients An interestingway of discretizing the metric coefficientsis basedon a representation of the mapping x(~, '1),y(~,'1)on a cell-by-cell basisand consideringlocally a bilinear isoparametric transformation compatible with second-orderaccuracy. This particular transformation is used to compute the coordinate derivatives appearingin the metric coefficients. :: 1/2). 4),the metric coefficient at (i + 1/2,j) can be defined by averagingthe values computed first at points A and B.
3. 16). 11). 1). 4 42 in Volume 1. 2for the Laplace operator. This can be correctedby the explicit addition of recoupling terms and we refer the reader to the original referencesand to Caugheyand Jameson (1982)for the details of this procedure. Other finite volume schemescan be defined following various options describedin Chapter 6 in Volume 1. An interesting finite volume approach, worth mentioning because of its simplicity, has beendevelopedby Wedan and South (1983),defining a Cartesian mesh, with a particular treatment of the boundary cells which are cut by the solid walls.
Numerical computation of internal and external flows by Charles Hirsch
by Edward