New PDF release: Open Innovation in Firms and Public Administrations:

By Carmen de Pablos Heredero

ISBN-10: 1613503415

ISBN-13: 9781613503416

ISBN-10: 1613503423

ISBN-13: 9781613503423

ISBN-10: 1613503431

ISBN-13: 9781613503430

Monetary globalization and the appliance of knowledge and communique applied sciences have provided enterprises the chance to strengthen and distribute new knowledge.Open Innovation in corporations and Public Administrations: applied sciences for price construction analyzes open innovation in a world context and proposes company types and institutional actors that advertise the improvement of open innovation in organisations, associations, and public administrations world wide. This e-book presents insights and helps executives involved in the administration of open innovation and organizational improvement in several different types of open innovation groups and environments.

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Although not typically addressed in open innovation studies, the case also exists where firms overvalue external knowledge, which may lead to detrimental effects and poorer innovative performance (Lichtenthaler & Ernst, 2006). The “Not Invented There” (NIT) syndrome is defined as occurring when “people in management show more interest in what is going on elsewhere than in their own laboratories” (Laden, 1996). For NIT syndrome, “the other person’s dessert always looks Modes of Open Innovation in Service Industries and Process Innovation better”, which causes management to spend more time evaluating external sources because they may already be technically feasible or on the market.

The estimated coefficients for each variable’s regression on product innovation are subtracted from the estimates for process innovation, by industry, in order to indicate the magnitude of the difference. The p-value tells us whether this difference in estimated coefficients is statistically significant. Table 3 provides some support for Hypothesis 1a, whereby pecuniary acquisition of technological IP has a positive and significant effect on product innovation, however only for the low-tech service industry.

Koput, K. W. (1997). A chaotic model of innovative search: some answers, many questions. Organization Science, 8(5), 528–542. 528 Modes of Open Innovation in Service Industries and Process Innovation Laden, K. (1996). `Not invented there,’ or, the other person’s dessert always looks better! Research Technology Management, 39(6), 10. March, J. G. (1991). Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71–87. , & Salter, A. (2004). Searching high and low: what types of firms use universities as a source of innovation?

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Open Innovation in Firms and Public Administrations: Technologies for Value Creation (Premier Reference Source) by Carmen de Pablos Heredero

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