By Donald Greenspan (auth.)
ISBN-10: 0817639853
ISBN-13: 9780817639853
ISBN-10: 1461219922
ISBN-13: 9781461219927
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1 every 10,000 times steps resulted in configurations whose curvature near the fixed points P31 and P61 was relatively sharper. Other parameter changes yielded other expected qualitative results. 1 Introduction Soap films and minimal surfaces have long been of interest both mathematically and physically (Almgren and Taylor (\ 976), Courant (1950), Rad6 (\ 951 ». F. Plateau (1801-1883) determined experimentally a number of geometric properties of soap films by dipping a closed, thin wire into a soap solution and studying the resulting soap film, or minimal surface, which spanned the wire.
The particles are positioned within the 32 x 32 square so that the A and the B sets have been widely separated. The A particles are each assigned speeds of 60 while the Band C particles are assigned speeds of 150. The initial data are displayed in Fig. o o <:.. : : ~. . :>OQ,. : . '. :- ~. :·· ~ .... · .... 0 .. .. "0. ~' .. :. 0. 0.
0. ~' .. :. 0. 0.
Particle Modeling by Donald Greenspan (auth.)
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