By Yuri S. Lipatov, Tatiana Alekseeva
ISBN-10: 3540730710
ISBN-13: 9783540730712
The major physicochemical difficulties of the formation and houses of interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) are thought of. the most characteristic that determines the constitution and homes of IPNs includes the thermodynamic incompatibility of 2 components that arises during the chemical reactions resulting in the formation of IPNs. The peculiarities of the chemical reactions of IPN formation are the dependence of the response expense of the formation of every community at the presence of one other. The chemical reactions are observed via the methods of section separation. The stipulations of the section separation (its fee and measure) are depending on the chemical kinetics. The heterogeneous constitution (two advanced stages and the interfacial zone among them) and the thermophysical, viscoelastic, and different actual houses of phase-separated IPNs are ruled by means of the measure of segregation of the procedure into levels. The formation of IPNs proceeds less than stipulations of superposition of the chemical kinetics of 2 reactions and the actual kinetics of part separation, either continuing in nonequilibrium stipulations. the result's incomplete section separation and an absence of interpenetration over the total quantity of the process.
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However, this process does not lead to full separation into two independent phases due to chemical cross-linking and network formation. As a result, the system with diffuse microregions is formed. It is worth noting that the superposition of chemical reaction and phase separation in many cases makes it difficult to determine the mechanism of phase separation; in some cases it is possible for one mechanism to be replaced by another. As a result, thermodynamically unstable diffusion microregions of incomplete phase separation are created, so that the segregation degree in such systems is not an equilibrium value.
22, from which the binodal and spinodal may be found in the usual way. The authors [77] have computed conversion degree–composition curves. To describe phase separation the dependence of free energy density on the composition (at any conversion degree) is considered. To derive the driving potential of phase separation, it is necessary to concentrate on the metastable region of the phase diagram. Let ϕ2C be the true concentration of rubber in the β continuous phase at some conversion degree, and ϕ2α and ϕ2 be the conjugated points of the binodal (equilibrium phase compositions).
In the region of the phase diagram inside the spinodal, phase separation leads to the formation of microregions with compositions that deviate from the system composition by a very small amount. 1 Nucleation and Growth Morphological data showing that IPNs are highly heterogeneous structures allowed Sperling et al. [72–74] to propose the mechanism of IPN formation called nucleation and growth. A thermodynamic theory of IPN morphology has been developed in [74]. Its main assumption is that there are two separate states of polymer I and polymer II separated one from another.
Phase-Separated Interpenetrating Polymer Networks by Yuri S. Lipatov, Tatiana Alekseeva
by Charles