By Daniel J. Pullen
ISBN-10: 1842173928
ISBN-13: 9781842173923
This quantity brings jointly a world staff of researchers to deal with how Mycenaean and Minoan states managed the economic climate. The contributions, initially brought on the 2007 Langford convention on the Florida kingdom college, learn the political economies of kingdom (and pre-state) entities in the Aegean Bronze Age, together with the problems of centralization and a number of scales of creation, distribution, and intake inside a polity; value of extraregional alternate; craft specialization; the function of non-elite associations, and the political economic system ahead of the emergence of the palaces. The participants tackle those concerns from an explicitly comparative standpoint, either inside and throughout Minoan and Mycenaean contexts. The conclusions reached during this quantity shed new gentle at the crucial transformations among and between "Minoan" and "Mycenaean" states via their political economies.
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Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age: Papers from the Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 22–24 February 2007 by Daniel J. Pullen
by James