Roman Republican coin hoards by Michael Crawford PDF

By Michael Crawford

ISBN-10: 0901405051

ISBN-13: 9780901405050

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METTIVS L . COSSVTIVS M A R i p i A N V S C A E S D I C Q V A p . ACCOLEIVS LARISCOLVS PETILLIVS CAPITOLINVS L . C. F. C. SERVIVS RVFVS C. C. VOCONIVS VITVlLyS ( T o t a l s of- Rojnanrcoins [in c i c h h o a r d 983 200 434 431 T A B L E 44-e. C. P O M P E I A N S 44 B . C . NASIDIVS 43 B . C ; M . COS (ittue of gold only) C A E P I O B R V T V S PRO COS L . c. 1 ì M . CASSI I M P (issue of gold only) M . CASSI I M P M . CAEPIO BRVTVS I M P . CAEP B R V T I M P L E N T V L V S S P I N T , C. CAS SÌ I M P L E N T V L V S SPINT, BRVTVS C O S T A LEG» M .

The latest Roman coins in the following five hoards are pieces of the series. The tatest dated coins in the first two are of Hieronr I I , the latest the Syracusan democracy, and the last two contain no dated coins. 66. C H I A P A Z Z I 1950 (Sicily) § 16 bronzé coins of Rhegium (bmc Italy, Rhegium, no. 45) 18 of Rhegium (op. a t , no. 75) ι of Mamertim (BMC Sicily, Mamdrtini, no. 3) ^ pentonlria of Mamertini (op. , no. 31) 19 bronxe coins of Agathocles ( B M C Sidfy, Syracuse, no. 422) ι of Hieron I I (qp.

R O M E 1938 (Italy) § From excavations on_the_Capitol:_ 8 barbarous imitations of drachms of Massalia 7 didrachms of Neapolis ι of Tarentum ι Apollo ROMANO/Horse 2 Hercules/Wolf and twins ROMANO ι Roma/Victory ROMANO 2 Mars/Horse's head ROMA 2 Apollo/Horse ROMA 47 quadrigati with incuse legend 2 half-quadrigati quadrigati with legend in relief on raised tablet 77 No quadrigatus is either plated or debased. ÒCÀR 1943-5, X°9Muqei del Campidoglio. 61. S E I j I N U N T E = SELINUS 1894 (Sicily) J Out lof several hundred : 29 cjuadrigati with incuse legend ι half-quadrigatùs 6 quadrigati with legend in relief Qn raised tablet NSc 1894, 392; R.

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Roman Republican coin hoards by Michael Crawford

by Paul

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