By Sabine Enders, Bernhard A. Wolf
ISBN-10: 364217681X
ISBN-13: 9783642176814
Making Flory-Huggins sensible: Thermodynamics of Polymer-Containing combos, via B. A. Wolf*Aqueous recommendations of Polyelectrolytes: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium and a few similar houses, by way of G. Maurer, S. Lammertz, and L. Ninni Sch?fer*Gas-Polymer Interactions: Key Thermodynamic info and Thermophysical houses, by means of J.-P. E. Grolier, and S. A.E. Boyer*Interfacial pressure in Binary Polymer Blends and the results of Copolymers as Emulsifying brokers, by way of S. H. Anastasiadis*Theory of Random Copolymer Fractionation in Columns, through Sabine Enders*Computer Simulations and Coarse-Grained Molecular types Predicting the Equation of country of Polymer strategies, by way of ok. Binder, B. Mognetti, W. Paul, P. Virnau, and L. Yelash*Modeling of Polymer part Equilibria utilizing Equations of kingdom, via G. Sadowski
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Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) represents another nonequilibrium method; it yields valuable information on polymer solvent interactions in the limit of vanishing solvent content [37, 38]. In experiments of this type, a plug of solvent vapor is transported in a column over a stationary phase consisting of the pure polymer melt. The more favorable the solvent interaction with the polymer, the longer it takes Thermodynamics of Polymer Containing Mixtures 27 until the plug leaves the column. , to Flory Huggins interaction parameters in the limit of ’ !
In terms of the ww values measured for a given constant polymer concentration, the polar solvents CHCl3, AC, and MeAc are expectedly more favorable for PMMA than for PS, whereas the nonpolar TL is a better solvent for PS than for PMMA. The shape of the functions ww(w) varies considerably. For AC/PMMA and MeAc/PS, w increases linearly and for AC/PS more than linearly, whereas it decreases linearly for CHCl3/PS. With three of the systems, one observes minima in ww(w), namely for TL/PMMA, TL/PS, and CHCl3/PS; only MeAc/PMMA exhibits a maximum.
The reason why this sort of “tie line” can be observed with HS GC but not with flow-through experiments lies in the fact that the former method uses a closed system, in contrast to the latter in which additional vapor is always available. Because it is the vapor pressure that is constant in flowthrough experiments and not the composition of the mixture, the amount of solvent taken up by the polymer can be constantly replaced. This process comes to an end either as the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid mixture is reached at the composition ’0 or as kinetic impediments become too large.
Polymer Thermodynamics: Liquid Polymer-Containing Mixtures (Advances in Polymer Science) by Sabine Enders, Bernhard A. Wolf
by Kevin