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By William Minter

ISBN-10: 0853452954

ISBN-13: 9780853452959

ISBN-10: 0853452962

ISBN-13: 9780853452966

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31 During 1943 the full Commission (including three West African members) was in fact appointed, with Walter Elliot as chairman, and its active enquiries began later that year. The development of a high-class university was thus recognized, not only as a concession highly valued by the West African elite, but as a means of preparing technical, administrative and political cadres for future African states. But it was still assumed that decades must pass before these necessary preparations were complete.

Without questioning the ultimate authority of the Governor this called for an elected majority on the Legislative Council, with formal provision for members of that majority to be appointed to the Executive Council, and to a new "Ministry ofHome Affairs". 35 Such a petition might have been pQlitely pigeon-holed, but for what Burns called an "astonishing change" in the attitude of the Asantehene and his Councillors, who now requested early representation for their country on the Legislative Council.

54 In December 1946 he addressed to a meeting of the Fabian Colonial Bureau an extensive "profession of faith" under the title "Labour's Colonial Policy"; virtually every innovation there mentioned could be shown to have orginated in the Colonial Office under the wartime Coalition. 55 This does not mean that the radical and Socialist writers from whom the Fabians claimed descent had counted for nothing: rather, that the reforming conscience had been co-opted to support a new colonial consensus.

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Portuguese Africa and the West by William Minter

by Michael

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