Dr. Joseph H. Smith MD, Susan Handelman's Psychoanalysis and Religion PDF

By Dr. Joseph H. Smith MD, Susan Handelman

ISBN-10: 0801838959

ISBN-13: 9780801838958

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Does the culturally sanctioned sublime derive from private sublima­ tion in such fashion that both can be or become nondefensive? As with Freud, and also as with Kristeva, it is easier for most of us to stay with these questions in the realms of art and literature than in the realm of religion. The majority of analysts, along with Kristeva, would believe that an analysis would be less than complete if it did not “lead to renunciation of faith with clear understanding” (Kristeva 1987b, 26). Kristeva sees faith as pathological merger.

E 14:192—93), he shifted away from a topo­ graphical toward a structural model and (with some subsequent lapses) dropped the noun-rendering “the” from “the unconscious” in favor of simply “unconscious” as adjectival (Smith 1978). This did not suit Lacan. ” Lacan’s contribution was to locate the Freudian account of individ­ ual development and family dynamics within the larger arena of lan­ guage and the cultural and symbolic order. The other scene is not con­ stituted by that which is dynamically repressed.

D . ) I think that the set of relationships and transformations Loewald is getting at in his remark about the death of Christ are better determined in terms of creation than in terms of redemption. The believer, in his understanding of creation, holds that the entire world, himself in­ cluded, might not have been, and God would still be in undiminished goodness and perfection. Both the believer and the world are held to exist through God’s unnecessitated choice. The “loss” that is envi­ sioned in this belief is the possible nonbeing of everything except God, not the loss of God.

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Psychoanalysis and Religion by Dr. Joseph H. Smith MD, Susan Handelman

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