By Alan Vincelette
ISBN-10: 0874628032
ISBN-13: 9780874628036
Alan Vincelette lines the idea of twenty one key Catholic philosophers of the 20th Century and their contributions to the philosophical events during which their idea can such a lot adequately be positioned. those pursuits comprise Phenomenology, Neo-Thomism, Transcendental Thomism, Personalism, Existentialism, Analytical Philosophy, and Postmodernism; those figures contain Stein, Von Hildebrand, Dussel, Gilson, Maritain, Wojtyla [Pope John Paul II], Rousselot, Rahner, Lonergan, Ebner, Mounier, Nedoncelle, Lavelle, Marcel, Zuburi, Anscombe, Taylor, Jacques, Marion, Lacoste, and Desmond.
These and different Catholics were on the leading edge of philosophy within the Twentieth-Century, garnering acclaim in Catholic circles (Von Hildebrand, Gilson, Maritain, Rousselot, Lonergan, Mounier, Marcel, Marion), appreciation via their non-Catholic friends (Dussel, Rahner, Ebner, Anscombe, Taylor, Jacques), canonization (Stein) and the preach (Wojtyla), a place within the French Ministry of schooling (Lavelle), the consideration of giving the Gifford Lectures (Gilson, Marcel, Taylor), club into the British, Canadian, or French Academies (Gilson, Lonergan, Anscombe, Taylor, Marion), professorships on the collage de France (Gilson, Lavelle), the Sorbonne (Gilson, Lavelle, Jacques, Marion), and the colleges of Cambridge and Oxford (Anscombe, Taylor, Lacoste), and the bestowal of a number of significant educational awards together with the Aquinas Medal (Gilson, Maritain, Wojty a, Lonergan, Anscombe), the Erasmus Prize (Marcel), the Kyoto Prize (Taylor), and the 1.5 million greenback Templeton Prize (Taylor).
Containing a precious bibliography and wealthy notes, this assortment is a wonderful source for the scholar of philosophy, theology, church heritage, background, and western tradition mostly.
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Indeed there are a multitude of names which could with equal justification be applied to God (ICP, III, p. 38; IV, p. 40; n. 5 on pp. 40-41; ECP, III, pp. 86-87; IV, pp. 108-110; VI, p. 144; n. 15 on p. 309; see Aquinas, Disputed Questions in Power, VII, 2, ad 1; On Truth, II, 11; Summa Contra Gentiles, I, 12, 7; De Potentia q. 1 a. 2 ad 1 and q. 7 a. 1 ad 1; Summa Theologiae I q. 3 a. 4 ad 2; I. q. 12 a. 12 ad 1; I q. 13 a. 20 Natural theology for Gilson then “offers for our love an unknown God whose infinite and inexpressible grandeur, defying knowledge, can only be embraced by love” (ICP, IV, p.
66). Gilson expent a great deal of historical research spelling out exactly where revelation provided new content to philosophy, content philosophy previously was not aware of but which once discovered it could set out to rationally justify. e. as a somebody, a He, and not an It (GP, II, pp. 39-41, 51-52; ECP, V, pp. 124-133; ICP, I, pp. 5-9, 13; III, pp. 24-32; ST, III, pp. 73-77; BSP, I, pp. 31-31; GR, XV, pp. 230-235; PCB, VII-VIII, pp. 169-253). And this statement has become epoch making in the history of philosophy.
His lasting influence is also apparent in the Etienne Gilson Series of Books (1979‑) and Lectures (1980‑) at the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto and a Chaire Etienne Gilson at the Catholic Institute of Paris (1995‑). The key works of Gilson are his The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy [L’esprit de la philosophie médiévale] [SMP], 2 vols. 18 Gilson, along with Maritain, was a great proponent of Neo-Thomism in the Twentieth Century (see Fides et Ratio, 1998, n. 74).
Recent Catholic Philosophy: The Twentieth Century by Alan Vincelette
by Mark