By Patrick Gardiner
ISBN-10: 1855065258
ISBN-13: 9781855065253
Evaluates the most good points of Schopenhauer's notion, its ancient significance, and its relation to trendy philosophical preoccupations.
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Kant's analysis, according to Schopenhauer, was undertaken at a still deeper level and in a manner that had far more fruitful consequences for philosophy. For Kant, unlike Locke, had seen that the human mind was not a mere receptacle for sense-impressions and ideas; it could not be treated as no more than a passive medium through which we become conscious of what lies in some not very clear sense' outside' us. The raw material of our sense-experience is (Kant held) ordered and arranged in certain determinate ways and according to certain determinate rules or principles; and this ordering and arrangement is our own work - it is something we ourselves bring to the bare representations of sense in such a way as to make our normal experience of a coherent objectively-known world possible.
9-10). The cardinal error of many previous philosophers consisted precisely in not recognizing this essential point. They had argued, not merely that there were certain eternal truths (veritates aeternae), the. but for what might be presumed to lie outside these bounds as well. And so it seemed legitimate in the light of our knowledge of them to raise and try to answer questions concerning such fundamental matters as whether the world as a whole has a beginning in time, whether there was a cause of its coming into existence, whether we possess immortal souls, and so on.
Although such metaphysics is necessarily incapable of establishing ontological truths, it could (Kant thought) be explained as springing from a kind of 'natural illusion' that was 'inseparable from human reason'. Further, in for ever seeking to overstep the limits of the only kind of knowledge which it is open to us to obtain, the metaphysical impulse is not without a certain value. It can be said, for instance, to act as a sort of perpetual spur to our ordinary empirical inquiries, continually leading us on to make fresh efforts in order to extend our knowledge of phenomena and reach more comprehensive and complete scientific explanations.
Schopenhauer (Key Texts) by Patrick Gardiner
by Robert