By Norbert Peters, Bernd Rogg
ISBN-10: 3540563725
ISBN-13: 9783540563723
This e-book is an creation to the up to date expertise utilized in decreasing kinetic mechanisms specifically for combustion structures. besides the fact that, it will possibly even be used as a instruction manual, in that it provides the latest tools for modelling numerous structures. additionally it provides current software program for lowering mechanisms and flame calcualtions for combined and pre-mixed flames and fuels starting from hydrogen to propane, and it defines a layout for basic flamelet libraries. info are completely in comparison with experimental facts. This quantity addresses scientists, graduate scholars and chemical engineers in and environmental learn.
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Example text
The same conditions are selected for the present study, but the starting reaction mechanism and rate parameters are taken from Chap. 1 of the present volume. We shall not go all the way to a one-step mechanism; instead we shall stop at a two-step description. 1] work. ; 1! · . e...... :'~~~ 100 . ~ 80 ............ ". ••. ,j.... ,···········1···· j . \ + ~ > 60 ~ fi: o 40 , ....... 1. 35%). Symbols: experimental data from ref. [2]; solid lines: detailed mechanism; dashed lines: short mechanism; dashed-dotted lines: two-step mechanism.
11. 81. 24 2. J ; p=1 ~ ; I i I I; I 1. L+ ; i I ',L-~+~j;; j 'D ! 1. DAr-Air' i;- -+---1- •N2-Air. ; ! -+--+--+-+---+ I + 'i. l:_;_=.. 13. 7]. 40 ~ 8U 30 I--'---l----! 8 Equivalence Ratio, <\> Fig. 14. Laminar burning velocities of mixtures of methane, oxygen, and (nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide), at one atmosphere pressure, as functions of equivalence ratio and flame temperature. See Fig. 17. 7J. 1~~! 50 , ! 1 1 I 40 "'! i. --+---1 'i ~! _-",---+~_-+f--6-_+--i',--+-_lb;:'_+-_1 A '1'" ,.
Numerical iterations lead to convergence in a few steps. It is the aim of the present paper, however, to present an explicit system of algebraic equations that can be used in subsequent asymptotic analysis. This will be done by truncating the steady state equations. Before entering into the truncation procedure the consequences of the steady state assumption shall be analysed. Note that in all calculations thermal diffusion was not taken into account. Figs. 8 show the burning velocity SL as a function of the equivalence ratio for atmospheric H2 -air flames at a preheat temperature of 298 K, as a function of pressure for stoichiometric H2 -air flames at the same preheat temperature and for atmospheric, stoichiometric flames at preheat temperatures up to 500 K, respectively.
Reduced Kinetic Mechanisms for Applications in Combustion Systems (Lecture Notes in Physics) by Norbert Peters, Bernd Rogg
by James