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By Wilfred R. Bion

A range of Bion's papers on Schizophrenia, Linking and considering, and his statement upon them within the gentle of later paintings. initially released in 1967.

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B” showed the same development expressed in terms of the discovery of a by no means identical twin that had a relationship with a mother. “C” likewise—but in terms of a cousin being transfused with the blood of another. All three patients seemed to feel that the problem had been there all the time but that its revelation had depended on increased capacity for awareness. The regression in each case could thus be stated as being away from (1) the increase in capacity produced by psychological development (2) the phenomena brought into awareness by the increased capacity (3) the physiological development, associated with the psychological development which revealed the relationship between the external parents.

The result was that she wanted him in future and not the other man. He felt it was hardly worth employing a locum because you only had to do the work yourself anyway. In reply to a question of mine he agreed that even before the week-end he had worried about the locum. So, in a sense, the employment of the locum had not relieved him of any anxiety or responsibility. He objected that the parent made a lot of demands on him and half implied that she was sexually attracted to him. I interpreted that I was the parent who complained about being left in charge of the inexperienced locum.

For those who want the papers as they were originally printed, here the papers are, but I have added a commentary which involves an evolutionary change of opinion. I do not regard any narrative purporting to be a report of fact, either of what the patient said or of what I said, as worth consideration as a “factual account” of what happened. In the first place, I do not attribute to memory the significance it is usually given. The fact of involuntary distortions is so well established by psycho-analysis itself that it is absurd to behave as if our reports were somehow exempted from our own findings.

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Second Thoughts: Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis by Wilfred R. Bion

by Ronald

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