By Richard B. Allen
This social and monetary background of the island of Mauritius, from French colonization in 1721 to the beginnings of recent political existence within the mid-1930s, emphasizes the significance of family capital formation, fairly within the sugar undefined. Describing altering relationships between diversified components within the society, slave, loose and maroon, and East Indian indentured populations, it indicates how those have been conditioned via demographic adjustments, global markets, and native associations. It brings the Mauritian case to the eye of students engaged within the comparative examine of slavery and plantation platforms.
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According to the commissioners who investigated the state of colonial ®nances in 1931, this situation had developed because nothing ± neither high interest rates nor insuf®cient security ± limited further borrowing by planters: So far from being harsh and unconscionable the traditional policy of the bailleurs de fonds towards their clients' dif®culties is that of forbearance carried beyond the extreme limit of prudence. In the small white community of Mauritius, closely bound together by the ties of inter-marriage and of long-standing family relationships, the in¯uence of public opinion makes for lenient and sympathetic treatment of debtors, whose insolvency is concealed and assisted by further credit often beyond the creditor's own capacity to allow without endangering his own security.
Land, labor, and capital, 1721±1936 19 If Mauritian agriculture had to struggle to hold its own during the latter part of the eighteenth century, the same cannot be said of the colony's commercial sector. The consequences of Port Louis's designation in 1769 as a port open to trade by all French nationals have already been noted. Contemporary observers appreciated the importance of this decision. In 1770, a British colonel, John Call, wrote that the Ile de France was a decided ``national advantage'' to France because of its capacity ``To serve as a reposit or magazine for collecting the Merchandize of the several parts of India, and from thence shipping them to Europe, or as a place proper to ®t out an Armament against our Settlements in another War, or to equip Vessels to cruize against our Trade in India and as far as St.
Following the resumption of hostilities between Britain and France in 1793, privateers based in the Mascarenes once again in¯icted heavy losses upon enemy commerce. 48 Auguste Toussaint estimated the value of some 200 prizes taken by Mauritian corsairs between 1793 and 1802 at 30 to 40 million francs, and perhaps more. 49 It is impossible to ascertain how much of the proceeds from this activity and the trade associated with it remained in the Mascarenes. While some privateers returned to France with fortunes,50 substantial Land, labor, and capital, 1721±1936 21 amounts of prize money and other merchant capital also remained in the colony.
Slaves, Freedmen and Indentured Laborers in Colonial Mauritius (African Studies) by Richard B. Allen
by Jason