By Italeri team
;Staghound Mk.I (Photographic reference handbook) ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ,ТЕХНИКА Название: Staghound Mk.I (Photographic reference manual)Автор: Italeri teamИздательство: ItaleriГод: 2007Страниц: 48Формат: PDF в RARРазмер: 16.19МБЯзык: английскийFor a wierd accident, the T17E1 Staghound used to be by no means operated by way of its meant person, the U.S.Army. however, among 2,600 and 2,900 autos have been produced, and participated in international struggle II donning the colors of numerous Commonwealth armies. After the conflict, Staghounds have been provided to Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Honduras, India, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland.This photographic reference handbook with historical past, technical info and colour profiles is part of Italeri package 6459.Скачать: DepositfilesUploading Hotfile zero
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However, the animation server thread must acquire Anim3D_lock before performing any repairs. So, by locking this mutex, the client program can prevent the animation server from updating the display. This is useful for programs that modify the scene graph such that at some intermediate points the scene graph does not reflect the intended scene. 4 The ProxiedObj Module - help ProxiedObj; TYPE ProxiedObj <: { extend: Self(X) All(Y<:{}) (Y) => X & Y } Objects of this type also contain a field "raw", which is for internal use only.
Program 18 demonstrated one way to move a camera: by modifying a transformation property that affects the camera. But all the relevant parameters of a camera, including its location and its target point (the point the camera is looking at) are controlled by properties, so instead of changing a transformation matrix, we can change the values of these properties. The following program demonstrates this technique. It creates a scene that contains a stationary torus, and a cone that moves around in a circle.
GO_StackError, invokePositionCB: (mr: PositionRec) => Ok, pushKeyCB: (cb: KeyCB) => Ok, popKeyCB: () => Ok ! GO_StackError, removeKeyCB: (cb: KeyCB) => Ok ! GO_StackError, invokeKeyCB: (mr: KeyRec) => Ok } TransformVal = TransformPropVal + Matrix4 A GO (or graphical object) is an object that describes some part of the scene. Geometric primitives, such as lines, spheres, tori, etc. are special kinds (and therefore subtypes) of graphical objects, and so are light sources and cameras. There is also a subtype of GO, namely GroupGO, that allows us to combine several graphical objects into a single one, thereby allowing us to impose a hierarchical structure on the scene.
Staghound Mk.I (Photographic reference manual) by Italeri team
by Richard