By Glenn Flear
ISBN-10: 1857443624
ISBN-13: 9781857443622
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1 1 ... Ke8 12 Ke6 The direct opposition. 12 ... KfS 1 3 Kd7 Kg8 1 4 Ke7 Kh8 1 5 f6 ! gxf6 1 6 Kf7! It's true that 1 6 Kxf6 Kg8 1 7 g7 Kh7 1 8 Kf7 also wins but the text is more elegant. 1 6 ... Ponomariov-Korchnoi, Donetsk 200 1 (Diagram 4) Here White's pawns lack flexibility and he can't win. 1 Kd2 Kd6 2 Kc2 Kc6 3 b4 axb3+ 4 Kxb 3 Kb 7 5 a4 bxa4+ 6 Kxa4 Kc6 7 c4 and a draw was agreed. Example 48: Two pawns versus one (1) (Diagram 5) In Example 46, an analogous position was reached (after 33 Starting Out: Pawn Endgames White's sixth move) but there everything was one rank further up towards Black's side of the board.
G4? 9 Ke5 g3 1 0 e7 Kd7 1 1 Kf6 g2 1 2 c6+. 9 Ke4 This time 9 Ke5? is too slow, as after 9 .. f3 1 0 e7 Kd7 11 Kf6 f2 1 2 c6+ KeB 13 c7 Black queens with check after 1 3 .. fl Q+. 9 . Ke7 with a draw as both sets of passed pawns balance each other out. A compli- 53 Starting Out: Pawn Endgames cated example but one that shows that if invasion is impossible, or fraught with risk then even a protected p assed pawn isn't necessarily a decisive ad vantage. Smirnov, Russia 2000 D iagram 9 (W) Only a d raw Diagram 1 0 (8) Black plays an unli kely move (Diagram 9) White has an extra pawn and furthermore it's passed.
A5 2 Kc2 b4 3 a4 (if 3 axb4 axb4 4 Kc 1 b 3 or on 4 b3 then 4 . . Ka3) 3 . . Ka 1 ! 4 Kc 1 (4 Kb 3 Kb 1) 4 . . b 3 . 1 . bxa4 Mter 1 . . b4 2 a5 b3+ 3 Kc3 Black is in zugzwang. e ed. 2 . . Kb 3 3 Kb 1 a5 4 Ka 1 gets nowhere and 2 . . a3 3 bxa3 Kxa3 4 Kb 1 is also clearly drawn. White's tactical resource, sacrificing a p awn to give his opponent only rook's pawns, is a well known ploy. The following study is instructive. Example 53 Dedrle 1 92 1 (Diagram 1 0) White wins by going around the b -pawn to avoid the sacrifice.
Starting Out: Pawn Endgames by Glenn Flear
by Anthony