By Douglas Moore Kenrick (auth.)
ISBN-10: 0333457269
ISBN-13: 9780333457269
ISBN-10: 1349193674
ISBN-13: 9781349193677
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The way the Japanese people live and work together is shown quite objectively in the way they organise themselves into cliques which generate dependence and which effectively dominate the country. Part II Communistic Behaviour and Social Structure 3 Cliques 'CLIQUES' NOT 'GROUPS' The Japanese submerge themselves in exclusive cliques bound together in rigid hierarchies and protected by high barriers from all who are outsiders. The word 'group' has been and is widely used to describe the clusters into which the Japanese social system is fragmented, but group does not convey with sufficient strength the tight manner in which the Japanese band together for mutual dependence and belongingness.
2 million according to census figures but some say there may be 3 million) are descendants of people who had the task of disposing of dead animals and people, of guarding and executing criminals, of tanning leather and of other work considered to be unclean. In 1871 the Meiji government declared these outcasts to be equals, but few social, economic or administrative measures were taken to implement the law. Before taking decisions many prospective employers and parents of those wishing to wed still study family records which, in Japan, must be registered with the local government and open to the public.
Fraternities of all sorts abound. They are the social system. Until very recently each Japanese has had little alternative but to spend or try to spend his or her life as a member of a cell in a fraternity. Each demands the individual's total commitment and loyalty if he or she is to enjoy its support and to be rewarded with the satisfaction and benefits of belonging. Communal co-operation, confined to fraternity members, is accepted automatically and implicitly. Each individual identifies himself closely with the fraternity's goals.
The Success of Competitive-Communism in Japan by Douglas Moore Kenrick (auth.)
by William