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By Frey D

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I had a terrible time. All I did was fall down and get wet and cold only to get back up and do the same thing over again. The two things I was missing were a little bit of proper instruction and tutoring and lots of practice trying out what I learned. A couple of years later and after many bumps and bruises I won a first-place trophy in a skiing competition I entered in Europe. It took time, perseverance and a lot of patience. But it paid off. Skiing is now my favorite sport and I enjoy it immensely.

Cheat a little bit if you have to but try to sing as much with your eyes closed as you can. Scripting this whole song took me only ten minutes. Is it worth ten minutes of your time to put important information to memory that you know you will be on a test? Yes! Eventually this song will become the same as any song that you sing off the radio. You’ll know it by heart and you will be the first one done with your quiz and have the highest score…guaranteed! Like the association methods that we have learned, the key to the Sing-a-Long Method of memorization is having a list of “Peg Songs” that we can access whenever we need to memorize something.

Second, you can put a few small filler words in to make it sound better and fit smoother with the melody. Third, the better you know the words and melody to the original song the easier it is make what you’re trying to memorize fit with the original song. A further suggestion to make the Song Method even more powerful is once you’ve created the new song, record it multiple times on a cassette recorder and play it back to yourself while you are in your car. You’ll be astonished at the results and how easy and fun it is to use the Song Method to memorize important information.

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student power memory system by Frey D

by Michael

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