By Bonnie A. Charpentier, Michael R. Stevenants
ISBN-10: 0841212147
ISBN-13: 9780841212145
ISBN-10: 0841214697
ISBN-13: 9780841214699
content material: actual chemistry of supercritical fluids : an instructional / C.T. Lira --
Processing with supercritical fluids : evaluate and functions / Val J. Krukonis --
Analytical supercritical fluid extraction methodologies / Bob W. Wright, John L. Fulton, Andrew J. Kopriva, and Richard D. Smith --
Supercritical fluid-adsorbate-adsorbent structures : characterization and usage in vegetable oil extraction stories / Jerry W. King, Robert L. Eissler, and John P. Friedrich --
focus of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide / S.S.H. Rizvi, R.R. Chao, and Y.J. Liaw --
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of terpenes from orange crucial oil / F. Temelli, R.J. Braddock, C.S. Chen, and S. Nagy --
Steps to constructing a advertisement supercritical carbon dioxide processing plant / R.T. Marentis --
Capillary supercritical fluid chromatography with functions within the nutrition / T.L. Chester, L.J. Burkes, T.E. Delaney, D.P. Innis, G.D. Owens, and J.D. Pinkston --
Retention strategies in supercritical fluid chromatography / Clement R. Yonker and Richard D. Smith --
Capillary supercritical fluid chromatography : use for the research of foodstuff parts and contaminants / B.E. Richter, M.R. Andersen, D.E. Knowles, E.R. Campbell, N.L. Porter, L. Nixon, and D.W. Later --
Capillary supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry : useful issues and functions / G.D. Owens, L.J. Burkes, J.D. Pinkston, T. Keough, J.R. Simms, and M.P. Lacey --
Supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry of carotenoid pigments / Nelson M. Frew, Carl G. Johnson, and Richard H. Bromund --
Supercritical fluid chromatography with Fourier rework infrared detection / Richard C. Wieboldt and James A. Smith.
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Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography. Techniques and Applications by Bonnie A. Charpentier, Michael R. Stevenants
by Paul